
Renton Veterinary Hospital Blog


Do Pets Get Allergies? True or False?

Do Pets Get Allergies? True or False?

Do Pets Get Allergies? True or False? True! Did you know that pets can suffer from allergies just like humans? However, unlike humans who show symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and itchy eyes, pets usually exhibit allergic reactions through their skin. This can lead...

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Why Cats Seldom Get Lyme Disease: A Closer Look

Why Cats Seldom Get Lyme Disease: A Closer Look

Why Cats Seldom Get Lyme Disease: A Closer Look As a pet owner, you might wonder why cats, unlike dogs and humans, rarely contract Lyme disease. This tick-borne illness, caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, can be serious for many animals, but cats are...

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How to Tell if Your Pet is Drinking Enough Water

How to Tell if Your Pet is Drinking Enough Water

How to Tell if Your Pet is Drinking Enough Water   Making sure your pet stays hydrated is essential for their health and happiness. But how can you tell if they're getting enough water? Here are some signs to look out for:   Keep an Eye on Water Consumption:...

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Understanding Canine Dental Care

Understanding Canine Dental Care

Understanding Canine Dental Care   Your dog's grin holds more significance than mere charm; it serves as a mirror reflecting their overall well-being. Canine dental health stands as a cornerstone of your furry friend's welfare, influencing aspects ranging from...

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Establishing Wellness Goals for Your Pet in the New Year

Establishing Wellness Goals for Your Pet in the New Year

Establishing Wellness Goals for Your Pet in the New Year   As we approach the New Year, it's the perfect moment to consider resolutions not only for ourselves but also for our cherished pets! Let's ensure that 2024 becomes their healthiest and happiest year to...

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Seamless Pet Introductions: A Guide for Adopt-A-Dog Month

Seamless Pet Introductions: A Guide for Adopt-A-Dog Month

Seamless Pet Introductions: A Guide for Adopt-A-Dog Month Embarking on the journey of adopting a new pet is an exhilarating adventure, brimming with joy and anticipation. However, the art of introducing a fresh addition to your furry family members requires a...

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