Thanksgiving is a special holiday that brings together family and friends! This means a lot of travel, parties, and food usually! Holiday food needs to be kept away from pets, pet owners who travel need to either transport their pets safely or find safe accommodations for them at home or in a boarding facility, and ensure they plan a pet friendly party to keep them safe!

Here are few tips to keep your pets healthy and safe during holiday.

Food Safety

    • Keep the feast on the table not where your pet can get to it.
    • No booze!
    • Don’t forget to check your food label for Xylitol! Xylitol is a common additive found in low-calorie foods, and is deadly to dogs. Cats appear to tolerate xylitol, but why take chance!
    • No pie or other desserts either. Many of them have chocolate which can be harmful for them!
    • Yeast dough can painful gas and potentially dangerous bloating for your pet. Keep them away from it!/span>
    • Keep scrapes and trash out of reach as well so your pet can’t find it.
    • Some festive and flower plants can be toxic for pets. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center offers lists of plants that are toxic to both dogs and cats.
    • Hope for the best but plan for the worst. Know that quick action can save your pet’s life. Keep ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center: Hotline: 888-426-4435 handy.

Travel guidance

    • Talk with your veterinarian if you’re traveling by air and considering bringing your pet with you. Some pets like short-nosed dogs may be at risk.
    • Don’t forget to call your airline ahead of time to find out their unique requirements and save yourself the hassle! Each airline may have their own policy.
    • Your pet needs a health certificate from your veterinarian in most cases.
    • Never leave pets alone in vehicles no matter how short you think you are going to be gone for.
    • Pets should always be safely restrained in vehicles to avoid bumping, falling or getting injured in case of sudden breaks.
    • Pack for your pet as well as yourself, more so their special needs food and medication. It would be handy to keep their medical records as well in case you ever needed them for an emergency.
    • Consider boarding your pet while you travel. Ensure they are up to date on vaccine and protected.

Party Advice

    • Make sure your pet is Microchipped, so they can be reunited with you if they escape.
    • Pets can be shy or get excited around new people and or due to high noise in parties. You may want to consider keeping them in a place away from noise, in a separate room, their carrier etc. to help reduce noise and emotional stress!
    • Keep a close eye on them! They may escape as your visitors are entering or leaving your home.

For more tips on how to make Thanksgiving a less stressful night for your pet, contact Renton Veterinary Hospital.